Authentic Shaputuans, Sweat Lodges, Wigwams, Teaching Lodges and other custom work
For many years, Sewn Home has been producing a wide range of traditional ceremonial structures by blending classic indigenous architecture with modern materials and manufacturing styles. We strive to work with our clients to ensure their lodges are as safe and long-lasting as possible while meeting the needs of community. Shaputuans, Teaching Lodges, Wiigwams and Sweat Lodge covers have become our specialties. If your community or organization requires these lodges or others, we would love to hear from you!

Sweatlodge Covers
Please Note: Recently we have changed the material we make sweat covers out of. Our old material was 12oz canvas which required 3 layers to achieve darkness. Our new material is 15oz. It is more expensive but the added weight of the material means and no more than 2 layers will ever be needed to keep the lodge completely dark.
Our tarps are flat and circular.
In order to get tarps the correct size for your lodge, measure over the top of the lodge from the ground on one side, to the ground on the opposite side, then add 2 feet.
We ensure the materials used in our sweat covers are free of chemical treatments.